Optima donates laptops to local school
During the summer Optima upgraded their staff to new laptops to help improve the service we give when staff are working from home during the various Covid-19 lockdowns.

- Redfox laptops was designed to be lightweight, portable and stylish. Redfox laptops are commonly used in a variety of settings, such as at work, in education, Internet surfing and for personal multimedia and home computer use.
- Tested by Intel as of December 7, 2020, in the following common laptop use cases: (1) a collection of benchmarks and real-world workloads with drives at 50% prefill including PCMark 10 storage tests, CrystalDiskMark 7, email launch, PDF editor launch, photo editor launch, video editor launch, and selected games.
This mean that we had a number of perfectly useful devices that were no longer being used. Chris Roberts (Managing Director of Optima) contacted our local High School in Stafford to see if they would be of use for families that are trying to home school, but through no fault of their own, do not have the resources to access their online lessons.

Mrs Metcalfe Senior Assistant Headteacher at Sir Graham Balfour High School explained “These laptops will really help the families who will received them, each laptop donated means that one more child or family will be able to home school effectively, some families with 2 or 3 children are currently trying to work sharing a single mobile phone for school work which is a real challenge”.
Optima Laptops & Desktops Driver Downloads
Since Optima was founded back in 1990 we've installed more computers than we would care to admit! Technology has obviously come a long way since then but our core values have remained. Every device we set up is immaculate and sourced only from manufacturers we trust. The only software installed will be precisley what you need.
Get in touch to donate laptops
More laptops are desperately needed by the school and other local schools, and they have asked for our help to raise awareness – if you have old laptops that you don’t need any more and could consider donating please contact Chris via email:
or call: 01270 500777
What the schools are looking for:

If you have a laptop but are not sure whether it is the right specification, here is a checklist for you:
1. It needs to be in a serviceable condition, (short battery life is fine so long as it works when plugged in)
Optima Laptops & Desktops Driver Download
2. It should be able to support Windows 10
3. Requires a working Screen, Web Cam, Microphone and Speaker.
4. If it is good enough to run Zoom or Microsoft Teams it will be suitable
We are all in this together, so whatever we can do to help each other is the right thing to do. Get in touch if you think you can help with a laptop!