Drivers Celestron

Drivers Celestron

Software and Apps Compatible with Celestron Telescopes

Following is a list of programs that claim compatibility with various models of NexStar telescopes. The only one I can personally attest to is my program, NexStar Observer List. All costs are in US dollars and you should certainly visit the vendor's web site and study their latest information prior to purchase. If you know of any errors in the information below or of any additional programs, please email me at

NexStar Observer List
Cost: Free
Web Site: You're on it! Check out the NexStar Observer List section.
Computer Systems Supported: Windows
Models of NexStar Supported: Original GT, New GT, StarSeeker, NexStar 5/8, NexStar 5i/8i/8i SE, NexStar GPS, NexStar SE, NexStar SLT, CPC, LCM, CGE, CGE Pro, CGEM, AS-GT
Description: Observation session planning software.

Pocket NexStar Observer List
Cost: Free
Web Site: You're on it! Check out the NexStar Observer List section.
Computer Systems Supported: Pocket PCs running Windows CE 3.0 or Pocket PC OS 2002 or higher
Models of NexStar Supported: New GT, StarSeeker, NexStar 5i/8i/8i SE, NexStar GPS, NexStar SE, NexStar SLT, CPC, LCM, CGE, CGE Pro, CGEM, AS-GT
Description: Works with NexStar Observer List to allow a Pocket PC to work through an Observer List, directing the scope to slew to each object on the list.

NexStar Control Pad
: Free
Web Site: You're on it! Check out the NexStar Observer List section.
Computer Systems Supported: Windows
Models of NexStar Supported: NexStar 5i/8i/8i SE, NexStar GPS, NexStar SE, NexStar SLT, CPC, LCM, CGE, CGE Pro, CGEM, AS-GT, NexStar GT version 104.0/4.x, StarSeeker
Description: Provides on-screen arrow buttons and other remote control features.

: $250 and up
Web Site:
Computer Systems Supported: Windows
Models of NexStar Supported: NexStar 5i/8i/8i SE, NexStar GPS, NexStar 6/8 SE, CPC, LCM, CGE, CGE Pro, CGEM, AS-GT
Description: Observatory automation software, controlling domes, telescopes and cameras to automate imaging sessions. Requires an astronomy CCD camera. This is a very complex package, be sure to study the web site and ask questions before buying.

Arrow Keys for GuideStar
Cost: Free
Web Site:
Computer Systems Supported: Windows
Models of NexStar Supported: HC models (the manual hand control little NexStars) and GT models with modifications
Description: A unique package that allows the PC to act as the direction buttons on the hand control. This allows complete remote control of the little NexStars after the initial alignment is accomplished. Visit the site and download the article on 'Controlling the NexStar 4/60/80/114 series telescopes fully remotely' for complete details.

Cost: Free
Web Site: - specifically, you need the current 'ASCOM Platform' and the latest Celestron driver as found on this page: Install the platform first, then the Celestron driver.
Computer Systems Supported: Windows
Models of NexStar Supported: New GT, StarSeeker, NexStar 5/8, NexStar 5i/8i/8i SE, NexStar GPS, NexStar SE, NexStar SLT, CPC, LCM, CGE, CGE Pro, CGEM, AS-GT
Description: This is a plug-in that is used by other programs to control a telescope, not a standalone program. In other words, the ASCOM driver program acts as an interface between another program and your telescope.

: $39
Web Site:
Computer Systems Supported: Palm OS 4.0 or higher
Models of NexStar Supported: Original GT, New GT, StarSeeker, NexStar 5/8, NexStar 5i/8i/8i SE, NexStar GPS, NexStar SE, NexStar SLT, CPC, LCM, CGE, CGE Pro, CGEM, AS-GT
Description: Planetarium/sky mapping software.

: $20 download version; $30 CD-ROM version
Web Site:
Computer Systems Supported: macOS and Windows
Models of NexStar Supported: Original GT, New GT, StarSeeker, NexStar 5/8, NexStar 5i/8i/8i SE, NexStar GPS, NexStar SE, NexStar SLT, CPC, LCM, CGE, CGE Pro, CGEM, AS-GT
Description: Observation session planning software.

: $29
Web Site:
Computer Systems Supported: Windows
Models of NexStar Supported: NexStar 5i/8i/8i SE, NexStar GPS, NexStar SE, NexStar SLT, CPC, LCM, CGE, CGE Pro, CGEM, AS-GT
Description: This is a specialized program that allows the use of PC cameras (web cams) for imaging some deep sky objects. It provides autoguiding (by analyzing the image from the web cam) via RS-232 connection with the models of scopes listed.

Cartes du Ciel (Sky Charts)
: Free
Web Site:
Computer Systems Supported: Windows, Linux, macOS
Models of NexStar Supported: Uses the ASCOM plug in above and supports the same scopes. Note that for the older 2.7 version it is necessary to download the ASCOM platform from the ASCOM link above AND you must download the ASCOM plug-in from the Cartes du Ciel web site - the 'Complete Package' download does not include either.
Description: Planetarium/sky mapping software.

CCD AutoPilot
Cost: $200
Web Site:
Computer Systems Supported: Windows
Models of NexStar Supported: Uses the ASCOM plug in above and supports the same scopes, though it is mostly only applicable to the models capable of long exposure astrophotography - NexStar GT and 5/8 users won't find it useful
Description: Imaging automation software - this is complicated software, be sure to research fully before you buy.

Celestron SkyPortal
Cost: Free
Web Site:
Computer Systems Supported: iOS (iPhone, iPad, iPod Touch), Android (version 4.0 or higher)
Models of NexStar Supported: NexStar Evolution, Astro Fi and any of Celestron's scopes compatible with the SkyPortal WiFi module
Description: Planetarium/sky mapping software.

CPWI (Celestron PlaneWave Instruments)
Cost: Free
Web Site:
Computer Systems Supported: Windows
Models of NexStar Supported: originally only compatible with the CGX and CGX-L mounts but still under development to support other current Celestron computerized mounts so check back at Celestron's website periodically
Description: This is very unique software compared to most everything else listed here. CPWI completely replaces the function of the real hand control. Read more here or at the Celestron website.

Deep-Sky Planner 4
Cost: $59.95
Web Site:
Computer Systems Supported: Windows
Models of NexStar Supported: Uses the ASCOM plug in above and supports the same scopes.
Description: Observation session planning software

Cost: $35 to $80 depending on version
Web Site:
Computer Systems Supported: Windows
Models of NexStar Supported: Uses the ASCOM plug in above and supports the same scopes.
Description: Observation session planning software

DigitalSky Voice
Cost: $30
Web Site:
Computer Systems Supported: Windows
Models of NexStar Supported: New GT, StarSeeker, NexStar 5/8, NexStar 5i/8i/8i SE, NexStar GPS, NexStar SE, NexStar SLT, CPC, LCM, CGE, CGE Pro, CGEM, AS-GT
Description: Voice command and text output telescope control. This is a very complex product, be sure to read the info at the web site and ask questions before you buy.

Earth Centered Universe Pro
Cost: $60
Web Site:
Computer Systems Supported: Windows
Models of NexStar Supported: Uses the ASCOM plug in above and supports the same scopes.
Description: Planetarium/sky mapping software.

: $29
Web Site:
Computer Systems Supported: macOS
Models of NexStar Supported: New GT, StarSeeker, NexStar 5/8, NexStar 5i/8i/8i SE, NexStar GPS, NexStar SE, NexStar SLT, CPC, LCM, CGE, CGE Pro, CGEM, AS-GT
Description: Planetarium/sky mapping software. Also controls some web cams and SBIG cameras.

Cost: Free but supported by voluntary donations
Web Site:
Computer Systems Supported: Windows
Models of NexStar Supported: Uses the ASCOM plug in above and supports the same scopes.
Description: Though mostly for capturing planet images, it also has the ability to keep the planet centered by interfacing with the mount via ASCOM.

Cost: Free
Web Site:
Computer Systems Supported: Windows
Models of NexStar Supported: Uses the ASCOM plug in above and supports the NexStar 5i/8i/8i SE, NexStar GPS, NexStar SE, NexStar SLT, CPC, LCM, CGE, CGE Pro, CGEM, AS-GT
Description: This software allows use of a web cam for autoguiding via the RS-232 port on the bottom of the hand control or can also use an optional hardware interface to the auto guide port on models that have this port.

Guide CD-ROM Star Chart, Version 9
Cost: $40
Web Site:
Computer Systems Supported: DOS, Windows
Models of NexStar Supported: With upgrade available at web site after 22 September: Original GT, New GT, StarSeeker, NexStar 5/8, NexStar 5i/8i/8i SE, NexStar GPS, NexStar SE, NexStar SLT, CPC, LCM, CGE, CGE Pro, CGEM, AS-GT
Description: Planetarium/sky mapping software.

hcAnywhere - Replaced by Celestron's NexRemote - see below

Cost: Free
Web Site:
Computer Systems Supported: Windows
Models of NexStar Supported: Uses the ASCOM plug in above and supports the same scopes. In addition to the ASCOM plug in, you must also download the HNSKY to ASCOM Interface from the HNSKY web site.
Description: Planetarium/sky mapping software.

Kagayaki-IV (aka Superstar-IV) Professional and Navigation Editions
Cost: Professional Ed. - $120, Navigation Ed. - $70
Web Site:
Computer Systems Supported: Windows
Models of NexStar Supported: New GT, StarSeeker, NexStar 5i/8i/8i SE, NexStar GPS, NexStar SE, NexStar SLT, CPC, LCM, CGE, CGE Pro, CGEM, AS-GT. May also support the NexStar 5/8 but this is unconfirmed.
Description: Planetarium/sky mapping software.

: Free
Web Site:
Computer Systems Supported: K Desktop (Linux)
Models of NexStar Supported: New GT, StarSeeker, NexStar 5i/8i/8i SE, NexStar GPS, NexStar SE, NexStar SLT, CPC, LCM, CGE, CGE Pro, CGEM, AS-GT
Description: Planetarium/sky mapping software.

MegaStar 5
Cost: $130
Web Site:
Computer Systems Supported: Windows
Models of NexStar Supported: New GT, StarSeeker, NexStar 5/8, NexStar 5i/8i/8i SE, NexStar GPS, NexStar SE, NexStar SLT, CPC, LCM, CGE, CGE Pro, CGEM, AS-GT
Description: Planetarium/sky mapping software.

Cost: Free
Web Site:
Computer Systems Supported: Windows
Models of NexStar Supported: Autoguiding is compatible with all the mounts that have an autoguide port. Collimation is applicable to all scopes that require collimation.
Description: Autoguide using most webcams and some astro video cameras. Employs a unique proactive guiding methodology. Also provides a means to accurately collimate your scope with a camera when seeing conditions are less than optimal.

Cost: $90
Web Site:
Computer Systems Supported: Windows
Models of NexStar Supported: Uses the ASCOM plug in above and supports the same scopes.
Description: Planetarium/sky mapping software with an emphasis on session planning.

Network Telescope Control
Cost: Free
Web Site: None found, but if you Google Network Telescope Control you can find locations for download
Computer Systems Supported: Windows
Models of NexStar Supported: The developers old web site reported 'most Celestron telescopes although they haven't been tested'.
Description: Basic telescope control software that can be setup to work remotely from one control PC to another server PC (connected to the telescope). These two PCs can be separated on a local network or all the way around the world via the Internet. Note that for full remote control, you will likely be better served by NexRemote (below) since Network Telescope Control doesn't provide the capability to align the scope.

NexHub and COM2TCP
Cost: $49 for NexHub, $39 for COM2TCP
Web Site:
Computer Systems Supported: Windows
Models of NexStar Supported: New GT, StarSeeker, NexStar 5/8, NexStar 5i/8i/8i SE, NexStar GPS, NexStar SE, NexStar SLT, CPC, LCM, CGE, CGE Pro, CGEM, AS-GT
Description: This is not scope control software per se, but tools to let you get more out of other control software. Read more here.

Cost: Free
Web Site:
Computer Systems Supported: Windows
Models of NexStar Supported: GT version 4.x, StarSeeker, NexStar 5i/8i/8i SE, NexStar GPS, NexStar SE, NexStar SLT, CPC, LCM, CGE, CGE Pro, CGEM, AS-GT, HC models (the manual hand control little NexStars). Newer mounts may be able to use CPWI (above).
Description: This is very unique software compared to most everything else listed here. NexRemote completely replaces the function of the real hand control as it is a virtual hand control that runs on a Windows PC. Read more here or at the Celestron website.

NexStar Cruiser - Pocket PC Version
Cost: Free
Web Site:
Computer Systems Supported: Pocket PCs running Windows CE 3.0 or Pocket PC OS 2002 or higher
Models of NexStar Supported: New GT, StarSeeker, NexStar 5i/8i/8i SE. Should also work with NexStar GPS, NexStar SE, NexStar SLT, CPC, LCM, CGE, CGE Pro, CGEM, AS-GT
Description: Telescope control with a hand-picked database of objects. Other useful observing tools as well.

Cost: $90 for Intermediate, $125 for Advanced, Basic does not support telescope control
Web Site:
Computer Systems Supported: macOS
Models of NexStar Supported: New GT, StarSeeker, NexStar 5i/8i/8i SE, NexStar GPS, NexStar SE, NexStar SLT, CPC, LCM, CGE, CGE Pro, CGEM, AS-GT
Description: Planetarium/sky mapping software with voice control.

Cost: Free
Web Site:
Computer Systems Supported: Windows
Models of NexStar Supported: Celestron scopes with Permanent Periodic Error Correction - NexStar GPS, CPC, LCM, CGE, CGE Pro, CGEM
Description: Improves PEC recording - read here for details.

Cost: $150
Web Site:
Computer Systems Supported: Windows
Models of NexStar Supported: Uses the ASCOM plug in above and supports scopes with Permanent Periodic Error Correction - NexStar GPS, CPC, CGE, CGE Pro, CGEM
Description: Analyzes periodic error and automatically records PPEC on the mount - this is complicated software, be sure to research fully before purchasing.

Cost: $189
Web Site:
Computer Systems Supported: Windows
Models of NexStar Supported: Uses the ASCOM plug in above and supports the same scopes.
Description: Planetarium/sky mapping software.

PHD Guiding
Cost: Free
Web Site:
Computer Systems Supported: Windows, macOS
Models of NexStar Supported: Uses the ASCOM plug in above and supports the NexStar 5i/8i/8i SE, NexStar GPS, NexStar SE, NexStar SLT, CPC, LCM, CGE, CGE Pro, CGEM, AS-GT
Description: This software allows use of a web cam for autoguiding via the RS-232 port on the bottom of the hand control or can also use an optional hardware interface to the auto guide port on models that have this port.

Cost: $24
Web Site:
Computer Systems Supported: Palm Pilot (or compatible) running Palm OS version 2.0 or higher
Models of NexStar Supported: (requires download of correct telescope control plug-in): Original GT, New GT, StarSeeker, NexStar 5/8, NexStar 5i/8i/8i SE, NexStar GPS, NexStar SE, NexStar SLT, CPC, LCM, CGE, CGE Pro, CGEM, AS-GT
Description: Planetarium software.

Pocket Deepsky
Cost: $20 when purchased separately, free with a purchase of Deepsky 2003
Web Site:
Computer Systems Supported: Pocket PCs running Windows CE Version 3 or newer operating systems
Models of NexStar Supported: NexStar 5/8
Description: Companion to Deepsky 2003, above.

Real-Time Interactive Windows Software for Astronomical Observers
Cost: Free
Web Site:
Computer Systems Supported: Windows
Models of NexStar Supported: Original GT, New GT, StarSeeker, NexStar 5/8, NexStar 5i/8i/8i SE, NexStar GPS, NexStar SE, NexStar SLT, CPC, LCM, CGE, CGE Pro, CGEM, AS-GT
Description: Telescope control with a clean, friendly interface and database including the most common catalogs.

Real-Time PC Software for Astronomical Observers
Cost: Free
Web Site:
Computer Systems Supported: DOS, Windows 3.1
Models of NexStar Supported: Original GT, New GT, StarSeeker, NexStar 5/8, NexStar 5i/8i/8i SE, NexStar GPS, NexStar SE, NexStar SLT, CPC, LCM, CGE, CGE Pro, CGEM, AS-GT
Description: Telescope control with a clean, friendly interface and database including the most common catalogs.

Sequence Generator Pro
Cost: $99 (there is a free trial version with limited features)
Web Site:
Computer Systems Supported: Windows
Models of NexStar Supported: Uses the ASCOM plug in above and supports the same scopes, though it is mostly only applicable to the models capable of long exposure astrophotography - NexStar GT and 5/8 users won't find it useful
Description: Imaging automation software - this is complicated software, be sure to research fully before you buy. Also, integrates with MetaGuide, PHD Guiding and other software useful for imaging.

SkyMap Pro
Cost: $100
Web Site:
Computer Systems Supported: Windows
Models of NexStar Supported: version 7 supports the NexStar 5/8, version 8 supports the New GT, StarSeeker, NexStar 5/8, NexStar 5i/8i/8i SE, NexStar GPS, NexStar SE, NexStar SLT, CPC, LCM, CGE, CGE Pro, CGEM, AS-GT
Description: Planetarium/sky mapping software.

Cost: $15-$60 depending upon version - Plus or Pro version required for telescope control
Web Site:
Computer Systems Supported: iOS (iPhone, iPad, iPod Touch), Android and macOS
Models of NexStar Supported:
Version 4 supports: New GT, StarSeeker, NexStar 5/8, NexStar 5i/8i/8i SE, NexStar GPS, NexStar SE, NexStar SLT, CPC, LCM, CGE, CGE Pro, CGEM, AS-GT
Versions 5 and up only support mounts with hand control version 4, the NexStar+ hand control or the StarSense hand control
Description: Planetarium/sky mapping software.

SkyTools with Real Time
Cost: $140 (be certain to purchase Real Time, sold separately)
Web Site:
Computer Systems Supported: Windows
Models of NexStar Supported: Uses the ASCOM plug in above and supports the same scopes.
Description: Planetarium/sky mapping and observation session planning software.

SkyTrack (formerly Satellite Tracker)
Cost: $9 (donated to a charity)
Web Site:
Computer Systems Supported: Windows
Models of NexStar Supported: Compatible with any Celestron mount with a NexStar hand control version 4.0 or higher, any version of NexStar+ hand control, and most likely any up-to-date StarSense hand control. There is a 30 day trial period prior to registration to test on your scope.
Description: Unique software allowing NexStar telescopes to track artificial satellites including the International Space Station.

Cost: $12
Web Site:
Computer Systems Supported: Palm Pilot or compatible - see web site for OS version requirements
Models of NexStar Supported: Original GT, New GT, StarSeeker, NexStar 5/8, NexStar 5i/8i/8i SE, NexStar GPS, NexStar SE, NexStar SLT, CPC, LCM, CGE, CGE Pro, CGEM, AS-GT
Description: Telescope control with filterable database.

Cost: Standard Addition - $75, Advanced Edition - $130
Web Site:
Computer Systems Supported: Windows
Models of NexStar Supported: Built-in drivers on the latest version (5.3) support the Original GT, New GT, StarSeeker, NexStar 5/8, NexStar 5i/8i/8i SE, NexStar GPS, NexStar SE, NexStar SLT, CPC, LCM, CGE, CGE Pro, CGEM, AS-GT. Also allows use of the ASCOM plug in above.
Description: Planetarium/sky mapping software.

Starry Night Pro
Cost: $180
Web Site:
Computer Systems Supported: Windows and macOS
Models of NexStar Supported: Windows version - Can use the ASCOM plug-in for controlling models listed in the ASCOM section above. Also can use the DigitalSky Voice plug-in:
macOS version - Various plug-ins are available supporting New GT, StarSeeker, NexStar 5/8, NexStar 5i/8i/8i SE, NexStar GPS, NexStar SE, NexStar SLT, CPC, LCM, CGE, CGE Pro, CGEM, AS-GT.
Description: Planetarium/sky mapping software.

Cost: Free
Web Site:
Computer Systems Supported: Windows, macOS and Linux
Models of NexStar Supported: NexStar GT version 104.0/4.03 or higher, StarSeeker, NexStar 5i/8i/8i SE, NexStar GPS, NexStar SE, NexStar SLT, CPC, LCM, CGE, CGE Pro, CGEM and AS-GT
Description: Planetarium/sky mapping software.

Cost: Free
Web Site:
Computer Systems Supported: Most newer versions of PDAs running Microsoft's Pocket PC - see the FAQ at the Tachyon web site for details.
Models of NexStar Supported: Models not specified in their documentation - I would recommend you download and try the software before purchase.
Description: Planetarium/sky mapping software.

TheSky - Version 6 Serious Astronomer or Professional Edition
(Student Edition does not provide telescope control)
Cost: Serious Astronomer - $129, Professional - $279
Web Site:
Computer Systems Supported: Windows. The last Mac version capable of telescope control is TheSky Version 5 - no longer available for purchase. Reportedly Software Bisque is working on Version 6 for the Mac.
Models of NexStar Supported: New GT, StarSeeker, NexStar 5/8, NexStar 5i/8i/8i SE, NexStar GPS, NexStar SE, NexStar SLT, CPC, LCM, CGE, CGE Pro, CGEM, AS-GT
Description: Planetarium/sky mapping software.

TheSky Pocket Edition
Cost: $50
Web Site:
Computer Systems Supported: Windows CE Version 3 on Pocket PC, Windows CE 2.11 for Palm-size PC and a few other version/hardware combinations detailed on the web site.
Models of NexStar Supported: New GT, StarSeeker, NexStar 5/8, NexStar 5i/8i/8i SE, NexStar GPS, NexStar SE, NexStar SLT, CPC, LCM, CGE, CGE Pro, CGEM, AS-GT
Description: Planetarium/sky mapping software.

Voyager III/4
Cost: Voyager III - $160, Voyager 4 - $200
Web Site:
Computer Systems Supported: Windows and macOS
Models of NexStar Supported: New GT, StarSeeker, NexStar 5/8, NexStar 5i/8i/8i SE, NexStar GPS, NexStar SE, NexStar SLT, CPC, LCM, CGE, CGE Pro, CGEM, AS-GT
Description: Planetarium/sky mapping software.

WiFi Scope
Cost: Free
Web Site:
Computer Systems Supported: Windows
Models of NexStar Supported: Uses the ASCOM plug in above and supports the same scopes, though it is only applicable to models with hand control version 4 or higher
Description: An interface program - you install this on a Windows computer mounted on or near your scope, then connect SkySafari (above) running on a smartphone or tablet to WiFi Scope. This allows you to use the smartphone/tablet as a wireless controller for your scope.

WinStar 2.0
Cost: Basic features - free, enhanced database and display - $8
Web Site:
Computer Systems Supported: Windows
Models of NexStar Supported: Uses the ASCOM plug in above and supports the same scopes.
Description: Planetarium/sky mapping software.

WorldWide Telescope
Cost: Free
Web Site:
Computer Systems Supported: Windows
Models of NexStar Supported: Uses the ASCOM plug in above and supports the same scopes.
Description: Planetarium/sky mapping software. This is a rather resource intensive program, see the web site for minimum PC requirements.

Michael Swanson
Contact the webmaster:

Drivers Crestron

Drivers electronicsCrestron

Ascom Drivers Celestron

Compare the latest drivers with the ones presently installed in Device Manager reached by right clicking the Start Menu. Make sure you have the latest BIOS, Chipset, Display (Video), Sound, USB3, Bluetooth, Network and all other drivers, or else download and install the latest now. Wifi-nFOCUS for Celestron SCT, HD, RASA wifi-nFOCUS provides fcusing for your Celestron telescope from pc, pushbuttons & wifi. Gear coupled 12V DC motor with precision encoder provides 4300 steps per revolution of focuser knob at up to 300 degrees/sec and easily declutched for manual focusing. Fits 6, 7, 8, 9.25, 11, 14 inch models made since 2006. Subscribe to my Channel: my video of how to update Celestron Hand Control, show the proper way to update the firmware on the Celestr. Download celestron driver for free. Education software downloads - ASCOM Celestron Telescope Driver by Chris Rowland and many more programs are available for instant and free download. Support for OpenGL comes with the graphics card driver. NO Windows 10 graphics card driver = NO support for OpenGL on Windows 10 = NO Starry Night software on Windows 10. Bottom line, you need full graphics driver support for Windows 10 on your computer. If you do not have graphics driver support then Starry Night will not run.